We can help you open up conversations around death and loss, which are often deeply uncomfortable to the dying and the family around them.
End of Life Support & Guidance.
Closer to the time we will help guide you through what to expect in the active dying phase, can be there to support a vigil, help with the complex clerical issues after death, and be around afterwards when the ‘casserole brigade’ has left to help process what has happened. We have evaluated a range of resources to share with you for to help with funeral planning, for what needs to happen after death and for bereavement support.
End of life Doula Care.
The end of life can be chaotic – sometimes lurching through medical hoops and invasive procedures. But with a doula’s help, you learn what you can put in place so that your wishes are honoured when you may not be able to speak for yourself. We aim to make the end of life about living as well as possible.